A platform to make plastic recycling more practical and accessible to the community, while showing how recycling can be put to a more efficient usage.


      Impact youths by incorporating sustainable 3D printing into educational institutions’ curriculum, and spreading our recycling philosophy and methods locally

Meet Team Y.E.S

Lim Yong Zuan

“I first encountered a 3D printer in Secondary school during my D&T curriculum. As public plastic recycling awareness grew, it got me thinking how to make recycling modernized and more engaging. Thus, this project hopes to unite the concept of recycling and 3D printing”

edric Ong

“My final year project required me to work with 3D printers. While printing a prototype, I noticed a large quantity of unused printed plastic models from failed prints or support structures just thrown away. This led me to find solutions to give life to plastic waste through 3D printing”

sophia tan
(hui shan)

“Plastic has become such a commodity in our lives. However, plastic recycling rates have not been keeping up with the speed of plastic production and wastage. Hence, i felt the urgency to provide a platform for easy public access to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste.”

Our Partners

south west community development council

South West CDC aims to nurture a community that is environmentally conscious, practises an eco-lifestyle and demonstrates community ownership to build a more liveable and sustainable South West District through its 10-year Sustainable South West Masterplan. They have been supporting us through their South West ECo Fund Plus – a fund that supports ground-up environmental initiatives in the community.

national university of Singapore

NUS is committed to achieving a Zero Waste campus by 2030. The institution has supported us through guidance, provision of resources and a platform to implement our idea through the Zero Waste Testbed Initiative, where NUS has opened up the campus grounds for test-bedding of innovative zero-waste projects.

Pre-school market (Kindred Studio)

Preschool Market is a one-stop preschool consultancy company that provides B2B solutions and services for preschools and organisations such as teacher training, student programs, curriculum development, resource support, events management and other customised early childhood sector-related work. PlasticEVO will tap into the recycled materials from Preschool Market’s recycling warehouse and initiative Kindred Studio, for our filament production. PlasticEVO will also support beneficiaries under Preschool Market, providing them with funding via product sales.


Filamaker is a german-based shredder company which has provided us with our shredding equipment, namely our portable shredder.

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